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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Siyar Singhi

Siyar" (Jackal) does not have horns. But same of the siyar have a small bunch of hair with horn emerges from its forehead when it hoots facing downwards. This is called "Siyar Singhi". If "Siyar Singhi" is kept in the house, it is said to ward off evil spirits, bestow good luck and wealth, help overcome enemies, and achieve success in law suits. It is always kept in vermillion (Sindoor) in a silver box in the pooja room. Its hair grows automatically.If one keeps a Siyar Singhi in the house, one is blessed with wealth, one remains fearless of beasts, Ghosts and it provides protection, from enemies and evil spirits and gives success in law suits. Siyar Singhi shall be kept in vermillon and in silver box . You can find genuine siyar singhi at site 

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